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Open Gym


Open Gym is used by participants to have extra practice time at Discover Circus. In each open gym session there is a maximum of 5 participants plus the host. Open gym times are non-instructional. The host will manage the rigging changes and will monitor for safety, but is not teaching a class during this time. Adults in any level and youth (13+) in level 3 or higher may register for an open gym. Students must be able to guide themselves through a warm up and cool down, bring their own water bottle, and follow Covid-19 precautions. Students seeking to use silks in the gym must bring their own equipment while Covid-19 precautions are in place. Please pre-register to reserve a time.

Open Gym 5 Punch Pass


Purchasing this 5 punch pass will automatically apply a %100 discount to the next 5 open gym purchases that you make on the registration page.

Open Gym 10 Punch Pass



Purchasing this 10 punch pass will automatically apply a %100 discount to the next 10 open gym purchases that you make on the registration page.

Open Gym 25 Punch Pass


Purchasing this 25 punch pass will automatically apply a %100 discount to the next 25 open gym purchases that you make on the registration page.